While watching a very interesting program on environmental design (narrated by Brad Pitt, but that's beside the point, right?), I was inspired by the idea of leading a crusade to plant a vegetable garden in every yard and fruit trees at every school. Yes, I agree, a big job. My daydreams tend to have an element or two of grandeur.

Anyway, a quick search for another, equally garden-crazed maniac out there in the world lead me to
this article in the New York Times Magazine by none other than
Michael Pollan.

After asking the question "Why Bother?" in regard to changing our behaviour in order to slow (or stop) climate change, he (very elloquently, of course) comes to the conclusion that by all means we
should bother and that the very best way to bother is to plant your own vegetable garden. Not only will you be taking a positive step in reducing your personal carbon footprint, you just might influence your neighbor to do the same. And of course you'll enjoy homegrown, garden fresh tomatoes (which is reason enough if you ask me).

Well, well. Perhaps I am not so nutty after all. My musing imagination came up with the same solution to global environmental decline as the great eco-writer and defender of all foods natural and good. Granted, this article was published more than a year ago, so I'm a tad behind the curve here, but better late than never, right?
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