Sunday, December 20, 2009

Where the Month has Gone

This is such a busy time of year. Friends, family, food, school performances, handmade Christmas gifts, baking, for once, I don't even need to come up with excuses for the lack of posts. The season is what it is. And here's a bit of where we've spent ours so far...

Getting ready for winter (which we thought was coming, but so far, no snow...)

Reading, reading, reading...

Making Christmas presents (sshh...this one is for Oliver)

Seeing Santa Claus

Making Christmas ornaments

Going to Sophia's excellent school performance

Hanging with Grandpa

And making sweet new caps (this was supposed to be for me, but it looks SO cute on her...)

(Plus a sneaking in a little knitting for baby — so, so fun.)

On top of all that we've still got The Nutcracker (thanks Grandma!), touring the Christmas lights on Peacock Lane, and of course, the big day!

So forgive me if you don't hear any more until the New Year!

Happy holidays!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Promised Belly Shot

Yes, I know I already look full-term, despite the fact that I have (about) 12 weeks to go. Believe me, I feel as full-term as I look.

Baby is not only growing, growing, growing (good baby!) but also constantly moving, moving, moving! She is definitely the most active of the three - although Sophia was also a little squirmer, jabber, and kicker in utero.

The kids are getting more excited by the day (true, Christmas tops the list of exciting upcoming events right now, but birth of a sibling isn't too far behind). Oliver loves to talk to the baby, often explaining to her that he's going to "save this cookie for her to have when she's born," or that she can use the white binky since he prefers the orange one. He makes her toys out of playdough, really, really wants to learn to knit so he can make her a pair of socks, and is pretty sure she'll want to play trucks when she "gets out."

Sophia is much more subtle about her interest in baby, but every now and then she'll reach out and touch my belly unexpectedly, almost in awe. She's absolutely sure that the baby should be called Lily (which is lovely) or Lucy (also lovely), but definitely not Sam (Oliver's most recent favorite). She's pretty practical about what baby will be able to do when she's born, except for her ability to learn really, really quickly (which, technically is true, but probably not in the way Sophia is hoping for). Sophia can't wait to teach her little sister to talk, sing, and most importantly, read. (She usually treats Oliver like he can read already - and then is a little miffed when he can't...).

Well, no matter her name or her interests, I suspect that she'll be well-loved!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Photo Out-Takes

(Mama: "Look happy!")

(Mama: "Sophie, could you get down a little lower?")

(Mama: "Ok, I know! Let's take a couple on the bed!")

(Mama: "Hm, maybe we should stop bouncing for a minute.")

(Mama: "How about if you two give each other a hug?")

Needless to say, none of these made the cut. (Although many of them made us laugh!)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

This One Kinda Speaks for Itself

This little imperative from Kurt seemed sorta appropriate for my current life (anyone's, I would imagine), since I'm currently expecting another little human. I may not have put it exactly like that, but I agree with the last sentiment (sans the swearing, of course) wholeheartedly.

Check out the Kind Over Matter blog. It's really lovely.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Soaking Party

Sophia and I were invited to a birthday party at the Kennedy School soaking tub this past weekend.

And lucky me, the water temperature is low enough for pregnant women. (Yay!) Which is probably why it's so kid-friendly too. It was about the temperature of a hot bath - but outside, so better.

It was lots of fun.

And afterward, Sophia and I had a lunch date at the hotel's restaurant.

(And after that we bought Sophia some new shoes.)

Can a Saturday date get any better?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Cello Lesson


And now they can both play "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star."
Cool, huh?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sophia, I love you.

An overheard exchange:

Oliver: "Sophia, I love you."
Sophia: "I love you too, Oliver."

Oliver: "I will love you forever, I really will."
Sophia: "I'll love you that long too. Really."

Oliver: "Ok. Good."
Sophia: "Yeah. It's good."

Saturday, November 21, 2009

MIA Mama

Actually, I've only been missing from the blog. I've been very present here in real life!

The reason is that, in addition to my normal mama-duties (I'm sure you know what they are, many mundane, many too sweet and wonderful to imagine), my little shop has been keeping me busy, busy, busy! (Yay! Happy dance!)

Shall I show you a few of the lovely patterns that are selling like hotcakes?

Actually, anything at all by Jane Richmond. I've sold out twice in three weeks (that could also be due to a learning curve in the art of stocking inventory...).


I also love the Flora Tunic and Twirly Skirt, also by Sew Liberated, but haven't sold any yet (so tell your friends).

And speaking of, do tell your friends about the shop! Or the Crafty Bird blog. Or both!

Ok, ok, enough! More posts about the kids coming soon. Promise!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I love this...

How could I have not known about this blog? I mean really, really love the idea of being nice. Maybe it makes me a simplistic (or not - the Dalai Lama has said that his religion is kindness...) but nice-ness is really so great. I actually wish more people were nicer more often. Don't you?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Lots of eggs!

Now that we have four chickens laying (what is up with that fifth chicken?) we're finally getting some eggs around here! Green ones at that! Two of the chickens (Stella and Luna, in case you're wondering) lay olive green eggs. They're very cool. I was kinda hoping Luna would give us some sky blue eggs, but alas.

Still, fresh eggs of any color really are great.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Sophia had a Halloween party at school on Friday and Oliver and I were lucky enough to attend.



And then of course there was the official night-of-loot. Within a block the kids had enough candy for a month (more than they'll have the rest of the year)!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Woe is the short-waisted pregnant woman...

Not that long ago I bought a few maternity shirts from Old Navy that were laughably huge. But I knew (from previous experience) that they would, eventually, come in handy, considering I am a short-waisted woman and there's really nowhere for the baby to go but straight out.

Well, only 23 (or so) weeks in and my prediction has come to pass.

I owe you all another belly shot so you can see how much I've grown (at least the middle of me)! Next post, I promise.

(A funny aside: when I was planning this post I momentarily thought of it as "Whoa is the short-waisted pregnant woman..." which is funny in it's own accurate if incorrect way!)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Oliver had a very truck-filled day yesterday. Which, I hope, made for a perfect birthday.

His cake request was very specific: green and yellow with flowers and trucks.

I would say that it was a very successful celebration, with the minor exception that our big three year old by woke up several times last night to talk about his new digger. Which was snuggled comfortably next to him on his pillow, of course.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

For the Love of Johnny!

My five-year-old has a little crush.

Yep, that's right. On Johnny Cash. Considering she's never laid eyes on his picture, I can only assume that it's his voice she likes (ok, I don't really need to guess, she told me as much).

And who can blame her, really?

Whenever his songs come on (and for some reason when we listen to Pandora they come on a lot), she runs to the computer to see if it's really him. Her favorite is Ring of Fire. She knows all the words.

I don't have the heart to break it to her that he's passed on. Maybe when she's older and has moved on to new loves...

Monday, October 19, 2009

A Little Magpie News

Isn't that baby adorable? Ok, now look at the hat! Cute too, right? WELL,  you can knit your very own with a She's Crafty Handknits pattern from (ahem) my little shop. And while you're there (cause I know you'll all go) check out the other cuties from this designer.

Aren't you glad you have a baby to knit for (right here, kicking as I type)?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Stinking Yellow Jackets

Poor Oliver!

We've had a nasty infestation of yellow jackets in our house for the last three weeks. Seriously. There was a day when we had about 40 in the house (we fled - didn't look back) but other days it's been one or two, maybe three.

Which, if you ask me — or Oliver — is one or two or three too many. Since the darn things seem to find Oliver every time. The kid has been stung at least 10 times. Twice in bed. Sigh.

I'm hoping for some seriously cold weather to finally kill them off. (That and the more-than-likely-not-at-all-eco-friendly yellow jacket poison.)

Cross your fingers.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I made these masks before Sophia was born. The kids found them when we were digging out our Halloween decorations and now they have a new life!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Hood River Apples

We went out to Hood River this past weekend to collect apples. Not pick them, unfortunately (I couldn't find an organic U-Pick farm), but just to pick them up from the orchard.

Still, the view alone was worth the trip.

And the apples are good too.