Friday, October 30, 2009

Woe is the short-waisted pregnant woman...

Not that long ago I bought a few maternity shirts from Old Navy that were laughably huge. But I knew (from previous experience) that they would, eventually, come in handy, considering I am a short-waisted woman and there's really nowhere for the baby to go but straight out.

Well, only 23 (or so) weeks in and my prediction has come to pass.

I owe you all another belly shot so you can see how much I've grown (at least the middle of me)! Next post, I promise.

(A funny aside: when I was planning this post I momentarily thought of it as "Whoa is the short-waisted pregnant woman..." which is funny in it's own accurate if incorrect way!)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Oliver had a very truck-filled day yesterday. Which, I hope, made for a perfect birthday.

His cake request was very specific: green and yellow with flowers and trucks.

I would say that it was a very successful celebration, with the minor exception that our big three year old by woke up several times last night to talk about his new digger. Which was snuggled comfortably next to him on his pillow, of course.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

For the Love of Johnny!

My five-year-old has a little crush.

Yep, that's right. On Johnny Cash. Considering she's never laid eyes on his picture, I can only assume that it's his voice she likes (ok, I don't really need to guess, she told me as much).

And who can blame her, really?

Whenever his songs come on (and for some reason when we listen to Pandora they come on a lot), she runs to the computer to see if it's really him. Her favorite is Ring of Fire. She knows all the words.

I don't have the heart to break it to her that he's passed on. Maybe when she's older and has moved on to new loves...

Monday, October 19, 2009

A Little Magpie News

Isn't that baby adorable? Ok, now look at the hat! Cute too, right? WELL,  you can knit your very own with a She's Crafty Handknits pattern from (ahem) my little shop. And while you're there (cause I know you'll all go) check out the other cuties from this designer.

Aren't you glad you have a baby to knit for (right here, kicking as I type)?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Stinking Yellow Jackets

Poor Oliver!

We've had a nasty infestation of yellow jackets in our house for the last three weeks. Seriously. There was a day when we had about 40 in the house (we fled - didn't look back) but other days it's been one or two, maybe three.

Which, if you ask me — or Oliver — is one or two or three too many. Since the darn things seem to find Oliver every time. The kid has been stung at least 10 times. Twice in bed. Sigh.

I'm hoping for some seriously cold weather to finally kill them off. (That and the more-than-likely-not-at-all-eco-friendly yellow jacket poison.)

Cross your fingers.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I made these masks before Sophia was born. The kids found them when we were digging out our Halloween decorations and now they have a new life!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Hood River Apples

We went out to Hood River this past weekend to collect apples. Not pick them, unfortunately (I couldn't find an organic U-Pick farm), but just to pick them up from the orchard.

Still, the view alone was worth the trip.

And the apples are good too.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Baby Belly

About half way now...just imagine what that belly will look like in February!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fall, from Sophia

It is fall now! The date is; October 10 2009.
(today.)The day is; Saturday!
Last week at school I finished a map.
It was about going from home to school
and EVERYTHING else!


So. Each pregnancy I have craved something different.

With Sophia it was chicken teriyaki bento with white rice (no vegetables). Haven't had it since her birth (not even once).

With Oliver it was New Season's vegetable wok (stir-fry) with brown rice. Took a two year hiatus on those and can just now order them on occasion.

This baby likes pork. Pretty much any which way it can be served. Until this pregnancy I rarely ate pork (I'm a chicken girl mostly), but I'm seriously making up for that now!

Ok, well enough of that. I'm off to locate a Cuban pulled pork sandwich...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Fall Cookies

This one sorta speaks for itself.

Although they didn't hold their shape (blob-shaped cookie anyone?), I can report that they were quite tasty.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

So Fun...Really!

This kid loves to clean. And who am I to dissuade him?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Secret Revealed!

Now we know if the baby who will be wearing this in February is a girl or a boy...

Anyone else who wants to know, feel free to call or email - but don't tell Kathy!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Really Good Book

Of song lyrics, of course. He has all the songs memorized now. No kidding.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Perfect Playdate

Always ends with a nap...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Pants!

Who couldn't use a pair of stripy pants?

I mean, really?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Something on the side

Recently I started thinking that I ought to start pulling my weight around here, so I decided to start a little business.

Yes, another business.

In any case, it's up and running today! So I hope all you crafty types will stop by. And buy lots of stuff!