Thursday, January 21, 2010

Painting Day

Everyone needs a painting day now and then, don't you think?




Tim found some old acrylic paints in the basement (there was a massive clean out to make room for the train) which we put to good use. The kids loved painting with "grown up" paints.

So fun!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Grandpa's Visit

Grandpa Wagner came for a quick visit a couple weeks ago. We all had a lovely time—especially with the surprise he brought along...


It's Tim's electric train that he got for Christmas when he was five! It's been a huge hit! We're all so glad Grandpa was able to bring it out in person and help us set it up!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Kind Acts Book

Sorry for the lapse in posts! Sheesh, time does fly when you're on winter break, doesn't it?

In any case, I'll try to catch up a little by starting with the very super cool present that Sophia gave the family for Christmas.

This is The Kind Acts Book. Inspired by the same type of book that Sophia's classroom has, this one is meant for anyone in the family to record kind acts by any other member in the family.

Seriously, how cool is that?

Our first kind act to record was on Christmas day:

"Oliver gave me a candy cane just like I wanted and I said, 'Thank you'."
