Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hmmm, Cuddlier than Bees...

Ok, so perhaps the super cool beehive I wrote about previously should wait. Tim has made it clear (quite) that my enthusiasm for crafting our little urban farm has created a long, long (too long?) to-do list for him. So, one new farm-related thing at a time.

Fair enough.

So, I've been wondering, what's more appealing? Home-harvested honey or...

Angora rabbits!

Don't you just love that white puffball? I mean really - not only would you get to sit and pet it, you could make lovely, lovely angora goodies (see the Purl Bee for a very sweet example).

I do believe I'm leaning towards the bunnies...

1 comment:

  1. Ummmm....ummmm....the bunnies. DEFINITELY the bunnies. Oh my, I would never stop snuggling that gray bunny!!

    Auntie Jill
